diumenge, 24 de desembre del 2017


Have a very happy holiday season, a Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2018!!!!

dimarts, 28 de novembre del 2017


Hello, Year 4 students!

Remember? "You better watch out!"
Christmas concert is just around the corner and we have to prepare our English song: "Santa Claus is coming to town"

So....let's do it!

diumenge, 12 de novembre del 2017


The students of year 6 have worked in pairs and They have prepared a dialogue. 
Look at the pictures. 

divendres, 3 de novembre del 2017


Hello, Year 4!

Do you need to practise your poem?  Follow the link.


It's Halloween,
The night is here.
Ghosts and goblins are very near!
Bats and witches are in the air,
Scary noises everywhere!

dilluns, 30 d’octubre del 2017


Hi Year 3! If you want to practise the poem, you can listen to it here. Have fun and Happy Halloween!

divendres, 27 d’octubre del 2017

Halloween P4 i P5

Durant aquesta setmana hem fet algunes manualitats de Halloween. P5 ha fet una corona d'aranya i P4 un fantasma. També hem fet trick or treat. P5 ha anat a veure als nens i nenes de P4 i els han cantat la cançó "Knock Knock trick or treat" i ens han caigut una llaminadura per cada un. Hem gaudit molt!

                                                                   Clica aquí per veure més fotos

dilluns, 16 d’octubre del 2017

Desdoblaments P5

En els desdoblaments d'anglès, els nens i nenes de P5, estem repassant vocabulari i estructures que vam treballar el curs passat. Estem molt contents perquè se'n recorden!!!!
Hem gaudit jugant al joc del cargol per repassar els colors i amb el dau gran, els números.
També hem utilitzat la PDI per unir els números i fer el dibuix.

Colours song

Continuem amb els colors a P4. Hem treballat la cançó dels colors de la Daisy i el Robin. Quan sentien el color, pujaven la flashcard amunt. Després hem classificat les plomes. 
We like the feathers!

divendres, 29 de setembre del 2017

English P4

Let's start english class!!!
Els nens i nenes de P4 hem començat l'anglès. Han conegut al Mouse, a la Daisy i al Robin. S'ho han passat molt bé ballant i passat-se els globus de colors.

                                                                     Més fotos

dijous, 15 de juny del 2017

See you soon, year 6

Hello year 6,

I don’t really like saying goodbye, I makes me a little bit sad but I would like to tell you all something.

You are just at the beginning of new stage in your lives. You will meet new friends,  new teachers and you will have a lot of new experiences but I’m sure you will not forget either this school or your classmates. They will be a part of your lives forever and ever.

This year you have worked very hard, you have been very responsible students so I’m really proud of you but now it’s time to relax and enjoy the summer.

I wish you all the best of luck at high school and I hope that all your dreams come true. And please, remember: be happy and never stop dreaming!!!!


dilluns, 22 de maig del 2017


Today the 1 and 2 year students have gone to the "Circol Catòlic". They have watched the play "Georgina and the dragon". They have sung, have laughed, have asked Georgina and the dragon some questions in English and some of them have gone on stage. Look at the pictures!

dimecres, 5 d’abril del 2017

Happy Easter!!!

A P4 i P5 hem treballat conceptes referents a la Pasqua. Els ha agradat molt aquesta cançó.

També podeu mirar aquestes fotos decorant ous de Pasqua, ballant la cançó i amb el conillet que ens ha deixat P3. Gràcies!

dimarts, 14 de març del 2017


On Wednesday, 1st  March, Year 3 and Year 4 went to Círcol Catòlic to wacht the play "TARZAN".

Tarzan lives in the jungle with his friends, the animals. He is very happy. But one day....... he meets Jane, a photographer.

Tarzan likes Jane and Jane likes Tarzan. But Jane doesn't like Tarzan's smell!!!

Tarzan needs help from his animal friends.

Children and teachers had a great time! The play was very funny!!!

Do you want to see some pictures? Here you are.

dilluns, 27 de febrer del 2017

YEAR 5: The policeman and the tourist

SPEAKING CORNER YEAR 6: The past simple

dimecres, 15 de febrer del 2017

Let's play Bingo!!

Els nens i les nenes de P5 hem jugat al Bingo per treballar el vocabulari del conte "Jack and the Beanstalk". Aquesta història la veurem representada en teatre molt aviat.

dilluns, 13 de febrer del 2017


The 5 and 6 year students have gone to the theatre to watch the play "Robin Hood". They have taken part in it, have sung, have asked the actors interesting questions in English and some of them have gone on stage. They have had a lot of fun!!


Hi, Year 4 children!

We must start preparing our contribution to the Spring Concert. We'll sing the song "We know the way" from the film "Moana" ("Vaiana" in Spain). You can start practising at home! Use this video with the lyrics. Good work!

dilluns, 30 de gener del 2017


Today we have celebrated the Peace Day. In the English display the students can see words, song lyrics, quotes from different authors and vocabulary related to this day.

dijous, 12 de gener del 2017


Els nens i nenes de P5 recordem el vocabulari de les joguines jugant al mèmori. S'ho han passat molt bé!

I a P4 hem jugat a fer de robots. Estem aprenent algunes accions: sit down, stand up, wave, clap, dance and point.