dilluns, 27 de febrer del 2017

YEAR 5: The policeman and the tourist

SPEAKING CORNER YEAR 6: The past simple

dimecres, 15 de febrer del 2017

Let's play Bingo!!

Els nens i les nenes de P5 hem jugat al Bingo per treballar el vocabulari del conte "Jack and the Beanstalk". Aquesta història la veurem representada en teatre molt aviat.

dilluns, 13 de febrer del 2017


The 5 and 6 year students have gone to the theatre to watch the play "Robin Hood". They have taken part in it, have sung, have asked the actors interesting questions in English and some of them have gone on stage. They have had a lot of fun!!


Hi, Year 4 children!

We must start preparing our contribution to the Spring Concert. We'll sing the song "We know the way" from the film "Moana" ("Vaiana" in Spain). You can start practising at home! Use this video with the lyrics. Good work!