dimecres, 22 de desembre del 2021



 We exchanged Christmas cards and letters with students from a UK school near Birmingham.

These are the photographs. We explained them lots of things, in English and a paragraph in Spanish because they are learning Spanish!

 Aquí teniu les fotos de la postal que hem fet entre tots i totes  i les cartes que hem escrit. Els hi hem explicat moooooltes coses, in English i un paragraf en castellà ja que ells estan aprenent aquest idioma!!

 We look forward to receiving their letters.

Merry Christmas!!!

dimarts, 2 de novembre del 2021

P5: we practice English!!

 We introduce with the ball: -"What's your name?" 

                                   My name is....

We practice numbers with a game. It's so funny!!

More photos

P4: Let's start English!!

We started the English classes and we met at the Mousy.

We learned the colors and the numbers.

dijous, 17 de juny del 2021



This 3rd term our students have learnt a Summer poem and 6th grade have planned a London trip with a suitcase with all the information they are going to need.


divendres, 11 de juny del 2021

divendres, 30 d’abril del 2021


 St. Jordi is a patron saint of England and Catalonia, so we learned lots of traditions about this special day. We watched a video and power point and then we made a dossier with activities such as pictures, crosswords, the legend…

   Clica aquí per veure més fotos

divendres, 26 de març del 2021

P5 Happy Easter!!

We worked some Easter vocabulary and we painted Easter decoration with markers.

We went outside to look for hidden Easter Eggs. It was very funny!! 

P4 Happy Easter

We worked some Easter vocabulary (chocolate eggs, Easter 

cake, feathers, chicks,...)and we painted the Easter cake with watercolors. It was funny!! ☺☺☺

dilluns, 22 de març del 2021

P5: Clothes

Look at the children!!

What are they wearing?

They are wearing trousers, skirt, T-shirt, jumper, shoes, hat, scarf...

If you want to practice: I'm wearing...

dilluns, 8 de març del 2021

P4: The wild animals

Some wild animals visited us in the P4 english class. 

Can you see them?

If you want to watch the video of unit 6 click here

dimarts, 23 de febrer del 2021


We worked the parts of the face and the feelings :SAD/HAPPY

 Do you want to move the mouth?

 Look at this faces!! It's funny!

divendres, 29 de gener del 2021

30th January PEACE DAY

 "Don't let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace"

                                                                                                                   Dalai Lama