dilluns, 21 de desembre del 2020

Merry Christmas


English teachers wish you a

Happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year 2021



We exchanged Christmas cards and letters with students from a UK school near Birmingham.

These are the photographs. We explained them lots of things, in English!

 Aquí teniu les fotos de la postal que hem fet entre tots i les cartes que hem escrit. Els hi hem explicat moooooltes coses, in English!!

 We look forward to receiving their letters.


We received the postcards on Friday 18th December 2020. The students were very happy to receive each of them their penfriend's letter.


dimecres, 11 de novembre del 2020


 1st TERM: Cicle Superior hem treballat vocabulari relacionat amb el Covid i com protegir-nos.

We are living a hard and difficult experience, a pandemic and our self-isolation, but at the same time this experience has allowed us to know each other better and also learned other ways of working and relating.


The coronavirus Covid-19 is a kind of virus thought to spread mainly from one person to another typically through droplets when an infected person sneezes, coughs  or talks (speech)  at close range even if that person is not showing symptoms, for this reason our Govern Leaders established  measures and guidelines on how to reopen SCHOOLS and protect ourselves.

We can all take steps to protect ourselves and others from COVID-19.

Here you can see our poster with the Steps to prevent the spread of the virus:

divendres, 30 d’octubre del 2020

English P4 and P5

 Hi families!!!

Children started English classes and they worked a lot of things: colours, numbers, weahter, food, songs, videos...

Mouse, Daisy and Robin joined us. We had a great time.

And this week came a terrorific spider!!! 

Podeu escoltar la cançó 

"Incy Wincy Spider"

Happy Halloween!!!

Els nens de P4 estem treballant les formes de cortesia per saludar-nos, els nombre i els colors. 

Els nens/es de P5 estem repassant el tema del menjar (fruites) fent unes feinetes i donant-li de menjar al Mouse. 

Aquí us deixem unes quantes fotos

dijous, 7 de maig del 2020


Spring is here and the students of year 1 and year 2 have sent their great spring hats. Look at the photos!! They look beautiful. 

dimarts, 18 de febrer del 2020


Hi, Year 3!

Do you want to practise the poem?  Follow this link

Learn the poem and have fun!

dimarts, 4 de febrer del 2020


Yesterday, we watched a play called "Georgina and the dragon". 

King Stan is very sad because he has three problems. Georgina decides to help him. She visits the dragon and sees the Pirates and Vikings. 

Students asked English questions and they enjoyed the play. It was amazing!!

Look at these photos. 

diumenge, 2 de febrer del 2020


Last thursday we celebrated Peace day. Students wrote about what peace mean to them. The answers were very interesting. Look at these photos!!