diumenge, 18 de febrer del 2024


Hi everyone!

Cicle Mitjà and Cicle Superior had gone to the theatre these last two weeks. Before the shows, we did some activities in our classes, learning the songs, working on the new vocabulary, reading the story...

Cicle Superior saw the play "Treasure Island" and Cicle Mitjà saw "Tarzan". We went to Círcol Catòlic, a small theatre near the town hall. As always the plays were a lot of fun and we had a great time. We sang the songs, helped the characters, used English to ask questions...even the teachers participated!

If you want to see more photos, click on this LINK.

dissabte, 17 de febrer del 2024


Hello everyone!

Once again, we celebrated Carnival. We had our English board full of decorations. You could see the "Crazy Orders" and some vocabulary and structures we learned in our English lessons.

We hope you enjoyed all the activities and had a great time!